Toilet Training

Toilet Training

Toilet training is a major milestone for children.  Parents look forward to it because it signals an end to diapers.  When is the best time to toilet train?  How is it done?  These are questions you may have.  Read on to find answers.

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Baby is always crying, baby has colic

Why Is Baby Crying?

As a loving parent, its upsetting to hear your precious baby cry.  Your natural response will be to try to placate her cries. However, if you finding it difficult to identify the cause of her distress, this makes the task of soothing her so much more difficult. This article describes common reasons why physically well babies cry. 

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Infant Reflexes

Infant Reflexes

Accurately interpreting infant behavior is challenging, especially during the early months as infant reflexes, which involve involuntary movements, are easily mistaken as deliberate behavior. You could enhance your accuracy by learning how infant reflexes affect your baby’s behavior.

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Baby Temperament

Baby Temperament

Your friend’s baby is very placid and rarely cries.  In contrast, your baby is easily upset.  The difference could have more to do with each baby’s temperament than parenting.  Identifying your baby’s temperament type may help you to feel more confident about your parenting decisions.

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