
Baby Care Advice is designed to help parents and carers obtain information and guidance about caring for, and promoting the health of babies and children through services being: consultations (inclusive of email support), programs/courses, articles. Consultants and its officers believe the information they dispense is accurate and reliable; however, in some instances the information may represent opinions or judgements based on professional and personal experience. Baby Care Advice website, its consultants and officers are not responsible for any errors or omissions in reporting or explanation.

  • Any information from this website or services is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. This website and its services is for information purposes only.
  • We do advise to seek medical advice before using any of our services. Our information does not replace medical advice received. Our services are not intended to replace the services offered to you by your medical provider.
  • By using our site and services you agree not to use our services without consulting with a medical professional regarding our services. If you suspect that your child has a medical condition, please consult with your child's doctor before use of any of our services/ programs/ courses. Professional advice should always be sought for specific conditions and specific circumstances.
  • Never disregard professional health or medical advice or delay in seeking medical treatment due to information obtained from this website or through its consultation services or programs/ courses. 
  • Should there be any medical concerns or emergencies, we urge you to seek urgent medical advice, do not rely on this site or services for such issues.

You assume full responsibility for the use of this website and the use of its services. It is provided with the understanding that neither Baby Care Advice, nor the consultants or officers shall be liable or responsible to any person or entity for loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been caused, directly or indirectly by or from the information or ideas contained, suggested or referenced by consultants or officers.