Daily Email Support

$61.20 AUD

NOTE: This option is for existing clients purchase directly after or within one month of the consultation for the same ongoing concern. 

Any new concerns will require a new consultation for the relevant concern.

If after one month and needing support for the same issue, then a support consultation will be required.

Please book with consultant you had your consultation with.

Support Days

Please see refund policy regarding cancellations and use of support prior to booking.

Please note support is email support only and is for 30 minutes per day (which can be spaced out through a 24hour period). If you feel that you are needing more support, please email us and we can tailor a plan for you.

Complex baby care problems can take 1 to 2 weeks to completely resolve, sometimes longer. Put your mind at ease, having your consultant with you each step of the way.

Want to know if email support is right for you?