The Inspiring Story of Jackson's Tube Weaning

The Inspiring Story of Jackson's Tube Weaning

Jackson’s story is a long one despite him only being 8 months. I’ll give the details here because reading other people’s journeys-especially, the ones with significant medical interventions are what helped me decide to book the consult. By the time we found Lindsay, Jackson had seen 21 medical professionals, none of whom were able to give us any solid answers as to why he would not eat by mouth.

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Tube weaning consultation specialist, weaning baby from tube, wean from tube,

How can my baby be weaned from tube feedings?

Your baby has a feeding tube, which was placed as a temporary measure. But it now looks like staying for the long term, because while he’s ready to feed orally, he refuses to. Read on to learn why some babies experience difficulty weaning from tube feedings and why it's important to have a tube weaning plan.

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